Produce, store and use hydrogen


The H2MINES group mobilizes the complementary skills of eighteen research laboratories from eight member schools of the M.I.N.E.S Carnot institute to meet the challenges of hydrogen production, storage and transport.


The HyTREND project brings together 13 laboratories from 5 of our schools (IMT Atlantique, IMT Mines Albi-Carmaux, IMT Mines Alès, MINES Saint-Etienne and Mines Paris - PSL), to federate and further develop these complementarities.


It is based on the MINERVE demonstrator installed in the Nantes region, and aims to develop new solutions for the “Power to X” sector. It will also contribute to the training of interns, thesis students and young PhDs hired for the project.




The Hytrend and H2MINES projects are coordinated by Christian Beauger, Head of the Materials and Processes for Energy group at the PERSEE Center, Mines Paris - PSL


Christian Beauger : christian.beauger@minesparis.psl.eu


Research teams


The H2MINES group has positioned itself to meet the challenges of hydrogen production, storage and transport.

The HyTrend project aims to develop new solutions for the “Power to X” sector.


The aim of this research project is to characterize the political and social role of hydrogen in the energy sector. Initial results suggest that the safety issues traditionally raised in relation to hydrogen (risks of ignition and explosion) do not constitute a major concern of acceptability for consumers and citizens. On the other hand, the contemporary debate is seeing a very gradual rise in questions and criticisms concerning the sustainable nature of the hydrogen-based energy systems currently being developed: the “cleanliness” of production, the scale of deployment in the face of the challenges of the transition, and the links with gas and nuclear energies.

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