The H₂MINES group brings together the R&D expertise and training activities of the Carnot M.I.N.E.S institute for the hydrogen sector.
H₂MINES comprises 23 research centers from 8 schools of the institute: Mines Paris - PSL, 5 Mines schools of the IMT, ENSTA Paris, and Clermont Auvergne INP.
The activities of the H₂MINES group cover the entire hydrogen value chain: production, storage, distribution, hydrogen utilization, and cross-cutting activities. They address materials/components, processes/systems, and modeling/simulation aspects.
H₂MINES supports stakeholders in the hydrogen sector in developing their innovations by leveraging multidisciplinary scientific expertise.
Producing, storing, and using hydrogen with the research laboratories of Carnot M.I.N.E.S
Producing hydrogen and carbon black through a revolutionary and low-pollution technology
Monolith & Mines Paris - PSL
Producing hydrogen through high-temperature pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass
Segula Technologies & Ensta Paris
"Producing, storing, and using hydrogen": supporting innovation in the hydrogen sector"