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The H₂MINES group brings together the R&D expertise and training activities of the Carnot M.I.N.E.S institute for the hydrogen sector.

H₂MINES comprises 23 research centers from 8 schools of the institute: Mines Paris - PSL, 5 Mines schools of the IMT, ENSTA Paris, and Clermont Auvergne INP.

The activities of the H₂MINES group cover the entire hydrogen value chain: production, storage, distribution, hydrogen utilization, and cross-cutting activities. They address materials/components, processes/systems, and modeling/simulation aspects.


H₂MINES supports stakeholders in the hydrogen sector in developing their innovations by leveraging multidisciplinary scientific expertise.


Discover the H₂MINES offering

Collaborations and Flagship Projects

Flagship Project hyTREND

Producing, storing, and using hydrogen with the research laboratories of Carnot M.I.N.E.S

H₂ production by methane pyrolysis

Producing hydrogen and carbon black through a revolutionary and low-pollution technology



Monolith & Mines Paris - PSL

H₂ production from biomass

Producing hydrogen through high-temperature pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass


Segula Technologies & Ensta Paris

livre blanc hydrogène HyTREND
White Paper

"Producing, storing, and using hydrogen": supporting innovation in the hydrogen sector"

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