Funding for R&D

Funding for R&D


Collaborative research projects with public laboratories offer companies a valuable opportunity to explore innovation and strengthen their competitiveness and expertise. Partnered research projects are often well-regarded, as they promote collaboration between different entities, which can increase the chances of obtaining funding.


To financially support these initiatives, several grants and repayable advances are available in France. Here are some of the main funding sources you might consider:



Research Tax Credit (CIR):


The CIR is a tax mechanism that encourages companies to invest in research and development. It provides a tax credit on eligible R&D expenses.

Website: Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty - CIR



Innovation Tax Credit (CII):


The CII is designed to support SMEs engaged in innovation projects. It offers a tax credit on expenses related to the design of prototypes or the implementation of new products, processes, or services.

Website: Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty - CII



Bpifrance - Innovation Support:


Bpifrance provides various direct financing mechanisms for innovative companies, including grants, repayable advances, and loans to support R&D and innovation.

Website: Bpifrance - Innovation Support



i-Nov Innovation Contest:


The i-Nov contest supports innovative development projects led by start-ups and SMEs.




Collaborative Research Projects (ANR):


The ANR offers funding instruments and implements specific programs to support and strengthen research partnerships between public and private actors.

Website: National Research Agency - Collaborative Projects



European Research Programs:


If your research project has a European scope, you can explore programs such as Horizon Europe, which provides funding for international collaborative research projects.

Website: Horizon Europe for businesses




Other funding opportunities are available through project calls. You can find all research funding opportunities on the dedicated portal:


We remain available to assist you with the financial structuring of collaborations with our researchers. Feel free to contact us.

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